SG Buses - Bus Arrival Times app for iPhone and iPad
Get quick and easy access to arrival time and routes of public buses in Singapore on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
● Get estimated bus arrival time for the next and subsequent bus
● Display information about bus capacity, including availability of seats and standing space.
● Display estimated bus location on the route and map.
● Find buses at your nearest bus stops
● Save frequently used bus services
● Search and browse bus service information by road names, stop names, bus stop ID and service number.
SG Buses utilizes bus arrival time data from Land Transport Authority of Singapore, LTA, and bus route map data from Singapore Bus Route Explorer (
Pros and cons of SG Buses - Bus Arrival Times app for iPhone and iPad
SG Buses - Bus Arrival Times app good for
Small, well design app that does exactly what it is meant for.
The bus stop feature shows you the time to arrive for buses accurately. Works great for me.
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Hopefully the dev sees this - great app, but currently the app crashes every time I try to bookmark a bus stop. This has been happening for months (maybe since the last update?). It also doesnt detect the location of a nearby bus stop (96361) despite the fact that it exists in the system. Please fix this!
Some bad moments
Usefully features but the bookmark function remains unusable : impossible to create or manage bookmarks. Buses expected time are often far from being accurate
Would be great and very useful if it did not crash constantly. Too ba...
Sg bus said my bus arrives in 5 mn... I have waited half an hour. How can it be possible in 2014 not to be able to geolocalize buses. Look at the confort delgro taxi booking. You can googlemap were is currently your cab... This app could be much better
A pop up keep on asking for bluetooth. Useless. Bug fixes created more bugs
Oct 28th I installed the most recent update and still it does not work, the bus timing does not appear. It has been like this for months. Either discontinue and decommission to avoid wasting users time.
Whenever I try to bookmark, the application quit. Pls fix this ASAP.
Usually SG Buses - Bus Arrival Times iOS app used & searched for
bus time,
singapore mrt,
my stop,
singapore f1,
arrival time,
and other. So, download free SG Buses - Bus Arrival Times .ipa to run this nice iOS application on iPhone and iPad.